Skeddly Blog

Skeddly news and announcements...

Terminate EC2 Instances Action

We have created a new-and-improved version of our “Terminate EC2 Instance” action called “Terminate EC2 Instances”. This new action allows you to terminate multiple EC2 instances based on various matching criteria:

  • All EC2 Instances
  • Match by instance ID
  • Match by instance Name tag
  • Match by any EC2 tag


Reboot EC2 Instances Action

We have created a new-and-improved version of our “Reboot EC2 Instance” action called “Reboot EC2 Instances”. This new action allows you to reboot multiple EC2 instances based on various matching criteria:

  • All EC2 Instances
  • Match by instance ID
  • Match by instance Name tag
  • Match by any EC2 tag


Long EC2 Instance IDs Are Fully Supported

Last year, Amazon announced that longer EC2 resource IDs were coming. Today, they are available and you can opt-in. In December 2016, they will be turned on for anyone who has not opted-in yet. More information can be seen in their official announcement:


Delete EBS Volumes Action

We’re excited to announce a new addition to our library of DevOps actions: Delete EBS Volumes. This brings our total to over 65 actions.

Using the new Delete EBS Volumes action, you can delete unattached EBS volumes on a regular schedule, manually, or in reaction to an SNS message, such as an AWS CloudWatch alert or an AWS Config rule violation. The action can delete all unattached volumes, those that match a particular tag value, or those that have been unattached for a minimum time period. In addition, to ensure you don’t lose your data, the action can create a final EBS snapshot of your volume before it’s deleted.


Copy AMI Images Between AWS Accounts

Amazon announced the ability to copy AMI images between AWS accounts. More information about the announcement can be seen here:


Create and Copy EBS Snapshots to Another Region and Account

Creating Amazon EBS snapshots allows you to copy those snapshots to another region and/or AWS account. Copying your EBS snapshots can be a valuable tool:

  • Make an extra copy of your data in another region or account to prevent complete data loss in the event of an account breach, as happened to Code Spaces.
  • Copy your production data to a development account


Copy RDS Snapshots Between AWS Accounts

Amazon announced the ability to share and copy RDS snapshots between AWS accounts. More information about the announcement can be seen here:


Amazon Adds M4 Instance Classes to RDS

Today, Amazon has announced support for M4 instance classes in Amazon RDS managed database service. The announcement can be seen here:


Send SSM Command Action

EC2 Run Command (based on Amazon SSM) is a new feature added to EC2 which allows your DevOps and system administrators to send various commands to your EC2 instances without requiring them to login to the instances (eg. using RDP or SSH). Currently, EC2 Run Command is supported only by Windows instances, but Amazon says that Linux support is coming.

More information about EC2 Run Command and it’s announcement can be found on the AWS blog:

For example, using EC2 Run Command, you can issue Powershell commands to your EC2 instances as part of a maintenance schedule.


Erase Deleted S3 Objects Action

Object versioning is a powerful feature of Amazon S3. When you enable object versioning on your S3 bucket, S3 will automatically preserve previous versions of your objects. This allows you to retrieve previous versions in cases of incorrect overwrites or accidental deletion.

However, by preserving previous versions of your objects, you will be charged for the storage occupied by those older versions. For example, if you have an object of 100 megabytes and you overwrite it with an object of 50 megabytes, you will be charged for 150 megabytes.


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