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Create and Copy EBS Snapshots to Another Region and Account

Creating Amazon EBS snapshots allows you to copy those snapshots to another region and/or AWS account. Copying your EBS snapshots can be a valuable tool:

  • Make an extra copy of your data in another region or account to prevent complete data loss in the event of an account breach, as happened to Code Spaces.
  • Copy your production data to a development account

We have added support for copying EBS snapshots between regions and account to all of the following Skeddly actions:

  • Create EBS Snapshot
  • Create Multiple EBS Snapshots
  • Backup EC2 Instance
  • Backup Multiple EC2 Instances
  • Copy EBS Snapshots

Try It Today

Backup your EBS volumes with a complete snapshot workflow:

  1. Discover your EBS volumes to backup
  2. Create the EBS snapshots
  3. Tag the EBS snapshots for cost allocation and cataloging
  4. Copy the EBS snapshots to other regions and accounts for disaster recovery
  5. Delete old EBS snapshots

Sign-up for our 30 day free trial or sign-in to your Skeddly account to get started today.
