Skeddly Blog

Skeddly news and announcements...

Enhanced Billing Portal

We are always looking for ways to improve the experience when using Skeddly. Today, we’re unveiling our new Billing Portal.

In the new portal, you can:

  • Update your payment information
  • Update your billing address
  • View past and present invoices for generating printable invoices


Modify S3 Objects Action

Today, we’re releasing a new utility action: Modify S3 Objects.

Using this new action, you can scan an S3 bucket for objects and modify some of their properties.


New Directory Service Actions

AWS Directory Service is a managed service from Amazon where you can connect your EC2 instances and other resources to a Microsoft Active Directory. The directory can either be your own on-premises directory, or you can create your own directory hosted within the AWS cloud.

More information about this service can be found on the AWS Directory Service page.

Today, we are pleased to announce support for scheduling and automating the creation and deletion of AWS Directory Service snapshots.


Generate IAM Credential Reports

Amazon Web Services allows you to download a “Credential Report” from the IAM Management Console. This report helps you with your security, auditing, and compliance efforts. The report is a CSV file and it includes details such as:

  • user
  • when the user’s password was last used
  • access keys
  • when the access keys were last used
  • when the access keys were last rotated
  • the service from which the access keys were last used

More details about the Credential Reports can be found at


Tagging EBS Snapshots with New AMI Images

Tags are an important part of Amazon Web Services. Tagging resources allows you to perform many administrative functions:

  • Perform cost allocation
  • Organize, search, and filter resources
  • Restrict security

Tagging resources is so important that Amazon has created a dedicated resource tag editor built into the AWS Management Console.


New D2 Instance Types Supported

Today, Amazon announced a new dense storage instance type: D2. These new instance types are designed for processing large data sets. More information about the new instance types can be found here:

Skeddly also supports this new instance type. So you can use Skeddly to change your existing EC2 instances to the new D2 instance type, or you can launch new EC2 instances using the new type.

Export EC2 Instances Action

If your Amazon EC2 instance was imported from an external virtual machine environment, AWS provides the ability to export your EC2 instances back out to other virtual machine environments such as Citrix, Microsoft and VMware. Information about this feature can be found at VM Import/Export.

Today, we’re happy to announce a new scheduled action: Export EC2 Instances. Using this new action, you can export your EC2 instances (assuming they were previously imported) to virtual machines images such as Citrix VHD, Microsoft VHD, and VMware VMDK and OVA.


Backup Multiple Route 53 Hosted Zones

Amazon Route 53 is a DNS web service for serving domain name lookups. Each domain is configured as a “Hosted Zone” in which you configure the various subdomains. In addition, Route 53 has features such as health checks and geo location results.

Today we have made available a new action: Backup Multiple Route 53 Hosted Zones.


Reboot RDS Instances Action

Today we are happy to announce a new action for your RDS instances: Reboot RDS Instance. Using this new action, you can reboot your RDS instances on a scheduled basis.


Rolling Instance Stops

Today, we are making available a new option to our “Backup Multiple EC2 Instances” action: Rolling Instance Stops.

Skeddly’s “Backup Multiple EC2 Instances” action is a powerful tool for creating EBS snapshots of your EC2 instances. It can discover your instances automatically, create the snapshots, tag them, and copy them to another region.


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