Skeddly Blog

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Modify S3 Objects Action

Today, we’re releasing a new utility action: Modify S3 Objects.

Using this new action, you can scan an S3 bucket for objects and modify some of their properties.

Properties that can be modified include:

  • Server-Side Encryption: None or AES-256
  • Storage Class: Standard or Reduced Redundancy

With this action, you can scan an S3 bucket for files that are not encrypted and turn on encryption using AES-256 server-side encryption. This could be useful if the tools you use to upload the objects do not support server-side encryption.

Similarly for reduced redundancy storage. If the tools that are used to upload the objects to S3 don’t support setting of the storage class, you can use this action to modify the objects to use reduced redundancy storage to save some money.

This new action is available today. Full pricing is available on our pricing page.
