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New Cost Savings Report

A few years ago, Skeddly added an “Estimated Cost Savings” report. This report showed you an estimated cost savings, as a percentage, on an action-by-action basis. However, what it failed to do was provide concrete savings information against your actual infrastructure in actual dollars.

Today, I want to tell you about Skeddly’s “new & improved” Cost Savings report.

This new report cross-references your infrastructure with your actions, then using AWS’s, Azure’s, and GCP’s public pricing APIs, calculate an “always on” cost and a “new cost” using your start & stop actions. These savings will be shown to you in US dollars and as a percentage.

First, you’re going to select your resource type, cloud account credentials, and regions or location. We currently support Amazon EC2 instances, Azure virtual machines, Google VM and Cloud SQL instances. We’ve also included a handy “All Regions” options.

Next, using AWS’s, Azure’s, and GCP’s public pricing APIs, Skeddly will retrieve the hourly cost for each of your instances/VMs. Your instances/VMs will be cross-referenced with your currently-configured actions, and an “always on” and “new cost” will be calculated. The “always on” cost is the total cost of your instances/VMs for the selected time duration as if they were running 24/7. The “new cost” is the cost of your instances/VMs will after being started & stopped by Skeddly’s actions.

This new Cost Savings report is a great tool to verify your Return on Investment (ROI) when using Skeddly.

Try It Today

Lower the costs of your cloud today. Sign-up for our 30 day free trial or sign-in to your Skeddly account to get started.

Sign-up for our 30 day free trial or sign-in to your Skeddly account to get started.
