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Export DynamoDB Tables 2 Action

Until now, if you wanted to export your Amazon DynamoDB tables to Amazon S3, you needed to use a Data Pipeline solution. Previously, Skeddly added its own version of the Data Pipeline solution.

Earlier this month, AWS announced a built-in method to export data from DynamoDB tables to Amazon S3.

Naturally, we jumped on this and added a new action to support this new functionality. Today, I’m happy to announce this new action: “Export DynamoDB Tables 2”.

This new action easily exposes the AWS built-in functionality, and makes it repeatable and schedulable.

You can choose the tables to export a few different ways:

  • All tables
  • An explicit list of DynamoDB tables
  • Tables that match “fuzzy” comparisons (contains, starts-with, ends-with, etc.) with the table name
  • Tables that match “fuzzy” comparisons with resource tags

This makes it very easily to export many tables at the same time.

The exported data can be sent to any bucket in S3, in any region. And you can choose to encrypt the data using S3-standard AES256 encryption, or with KMS keys.

Exporting of data from DynamoDB tables requires continuous backups and point-in-time recovery to be enabled on the tables.

This new action is available today. Pricing for it can be found on our pricing pages.

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