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Post Action Execution Triggers

Now you can trigger events when your action executions complete. This new feature gives you more flexibility and options when it comes to your action executions.

With post-execution triggers, more advanced workflows are now possible:

  • Chain actions together
  • Start or stop multiple resources in a given sequence
  • Execute a second function in response to a failed action execution, perhaps as a form of extra notification or recovery
  • Invoke an Amazon Lambda function to do anything else we haven’t thought of

With this initial release, two trigger types are supported:

  • Execute Action - trigger the execution of another action
  • Invoke Amazon Lambda Function - invoke an Amazon Lambda function

Multiple post-execution triggers can be added to a single action. So you can add multiple “Execute Action” triggers, multiple “Invoke Amazon Lambda Function” triggers, or a combination of trigger types.

When configuring an action with post-execution triggers, you can choose to execute the trigger on many execution result combinations:

  • Execution success
  • Execution failure
  • Execution cancellation

For example, you can trigger one Lambda function to execute on execution success, and a different Lambda function on failure.

Execute Action

The “Execute Action” trigger is fairly simple. Just choose the action that you want to execute after the current one.

Invoke Amazon Lambda Function

The “Invoke Amazon Lambda Function” trigger will trigger a Lambda function after the current action execution completes. When invoking Amazon Lambda functions, details about the action is sent to the function in a JSON structure:

    "ActionId": "a-12345678",
    "ActionVersionId": "av-12345678",
    "ActionName": "My action",
    "ActionType": "amazon-start-ec2-instances",
    "ActionExecutionId": "ae-12345678",
    "StartDate": "2018-09-27T00:00:00Z",
    "EndDate": "2018-09-27T01:00:00Z",
    "Result": {
        "Code": 0,
        "Text": "Execution succeeded"
    "UserData": "my extra data"

You can add extra data along with the event data in a UserData property.


When adding post-execution triggers to your actions, keep the following in mind:

  • An action cannot trigger itself
  • An action cannot trigger another action that will result in a cascading loop of action triggers
  • Azure actions cannot trigger Amazon Lambda functions


These new features are available today at no extra cost aside from normal action execution costs.

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