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New Action Notification Options

As actions execute, being notified of their success or failure could be critical. For example, if AMI images failed to be created, then you should be notified as soon as possible so that corrective action can be taken.

Until today, Skeddly included 3 ways to be notified:

  1. Email to the account’s primary email address
  2. Amazon SNS
  3. Twitter

Today, we’re happy to announce that we’ve expanded our notification options.

Send to an alternate email address

You can configure your notifications to be sent to an email address that is different from your Skeddly account’s email address. By doing this, the notifications can be sent to an email alias, or other email sink to digest the messages.

Send notifications to a HipChat room

HipChat is a collaboration tool created by Atlassian. Using HipChat, you can create one or more “rooms” in which your team can communicate. Skeddly can now send action success/failure notifications to a HipChat team room.

Send notifications to a Slack channel

Slack is a collaboration tool, similar to HipChat. Using Slack, you can create one or more “channels” in which your team can communicate. Skeddly can now send action success/failure notifications to a Slack channel.

All of these new notifications are available now at no additional cost.

Try It Today

Sign-up for our 30 day free trial or sign-in to your Skeddly account to get started today.
