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Delete Elastic Beanstalk Application Versions Action

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a managed service for deploying your web-based applications. You can use many different development environments with Elastic Beanstalk: Node.js, PHP, Java, Ruby, .NET, and even Docker. Under the hood, AWS Elastic Beanstalk used CloudFormation, EC2, Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancer to manage your web applications.

Elastic Beanstalk will store and maintain different application versions for you. So when you deploy a new version of your application, the old versions are maintained for easy roll-back. However, there is a limit of 500 versions (by default) per region per AWS account. Many Elastic Beanstalk users hit the limit and must delete old versions before new versions can be deployed. This must be done manually, or you must build it into your automated deployment process. Keeping older versions unnecessarily also bears a storage cost because the versions are stored in Amazon S3.

Delete Elastic Beanstalk Application Versions Action

We’re pleased to announce a new action: Delete Elastic Beanstalk Application Versions. This new action will help reduce the number of application versions kept beyond their usefulness.

Similar to deleting old EBS snapshots, Elastic Beanstalk application versions can be deleted based on many matching criteria:

  • Delete versions in all your Elastic Beanstalk applications, or just a few.
  • Delete versions that match a label comparison. For example, delete versions with “test” in the name.
  • Delete versions that are older than a certain number of days.
  • Ensure that a minimum number of versions are preserved. For example, never delete the 10 most recent versions, per application and/or across all applications.

Full pricing for this new action can be found on our pricing page.

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