Skeddly Blog

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Delete EBS Volumes Action

We’re excited to announce a new addition to our library of DevOps actions: Delete EBS Volumes. This brings our total to over 65 actions.

Using the new Delete EBS Volumes action, you can delete unattached EBS volumes on a regular schedule, manually, or in reaction to an SNS message, such as an AWS CloudWatch alert or an AWS Config rule violation. The action can delete all unattached volumes, those that match a particular tag value, or those that have been unattached for a minimum time period. In addition, to ensure you don’t lose your data, the action can create a final EBS snapshot of your volume before it’s deleted.

For example:

  • Create final snapshots and delete all EBS volumes that have been unattached for 7 days. This will save you money since
    1. the EBS volume is not used, and
    2. storing EBS snapshots costs less than keeping an EBS volume around.
  • Delete all unattached EBS volumes that haven’t been tagged. This helps enforce a tag-or-terminate company policy.

Full pricing information for this new action can be found on our pricing page.

Try It Today

This new action is available today.

Sign-up for our 30 day free trial or sign-in to your Skeddly account to get started today.
